Friday 31 May 2013

Teddy Bears' Picnic

We had the 'end of year' show today with a summer theme. My class performed Teddy Bears' Picnic and Sing a Rainbow. They did good and I'm just glad it's over! There's actually three weeks left of school but most of the early years part of the school won't come back now which is quite sad as I won't see my wee class again! I got a couple of nice pressies but it was a strange 'last day' with the class as I'll be back in on Sunday as normal. It gives me a chance to get my reports written though!

I put on a summer dress to wear to school today, for the show and it was too tight! I only had it on last weekend and it was fine. My clothes are starting to get slightly uncomfortable now but I really don't want to have to buy maternity clothes here as I've already got so much luggage to take home!

Three weeks tomorrow until we leave Kuwait!

Thursday 23 May 2013

School's (almost) out for summer!

I now only have four weeks left at this school. It has AMAZED me how quickly this year's gone. Next week we have our 'summer' theme end of year show then apparently after that the class numbers drastically dwindle :) So I could be in for an easy final three weeks.

I have really enjoyed working at this school. I feel like I've been able to concentrate on actually teaching as opposed to crowd control and all the admin and paperwork I was swamped with last year as part of probation year. It's a pity I can't bring this job back to Scotland with me :(

There are some real characters in the class and despite English being their second language I was able to build a good relationship with them and even have a laugh with them! I had a funny story for Laurence almost every day. The language barrier could be frustrating for both myself and some of the children though and I thought I repeated myself all the time last year!!

I was surprised to see myself in the school brochure advertising for next year! 

Saturday 18 May 2013

May celebrations

I like May because there's lots to celebrate! :) firstly the weather is usually nice in Scotland in May which I believe is not the case this year however we are enjoying the sun anyway-sorry! ;) 

It's also my birthday and our anniversary month. It was a strange birthday this year as there's no postal service here so there were no cards to open like at home :( I got some nice email messages though.  I wasn't very well in my birthday week this year so I didn't feel up to doing much but we managed out for a lovely meal to one of our favourite places here. I didn't have much of an appetite so I only had a bowl of soup so I could have a crepe for dessert which I've been craving! I have definitely developed a sweet tooth during this pregnancy! 

That was another thing to celebrate this May. I am half way through my pregnancy and by next May we will be 3! We still can't quite believe that!!

Tonight we went to TGI Friday for our anniversary meal which was very nice. We treated ourselves to a steak, as we agreed no pressies this year, and it was amazing! I also squeezed in another dessert at a restaurant nearby called Chocolate. I had choc chip cookies and marshmallow milk yum! Kuwaitis also have a sweet tooth so dessert is a big deal here.

The final celebration is that it's not long until we are home! Woohoo. It's 36 days in fact! Lol. I have five school weeks left then we get the flight the day after I finish. I'm sure we'll miss the pool and the sun here and admittedly, despite working, the 8 months have felt a bit like a holiday. However, I think we're both ready for familiar surroundings and to be surrounded by our friends and family