Saturday 15 September 2012


Had a walk round to mum's. Loving the heat and being able to walk around without shivering! :-D

Took a pic of our friend Jetta cutting open a coconut for the water then I scraped out the meat.

Ventured out of the complex this afternoon onto the 'main' road. All along the road are communities called barangays which are a cluster of wooden shacks. The locals live in these small 'villages' and they have stalls on the road selling fresh fruit, fish, hardwear etc. Will try and take more pics of these. Seeing these areas really makes me feel we are in the Philippines!! Its sooo different to the West. We stick out like a sore thumb here as there are NO white people!


  1. Great to follow your progress. Loving the photos. Keep the news coming

  2. I suppose you have to learn no skills for living. I've personally never 'fleshed put' a coconut or half the wonderful fruits you get out there. A huge learning curve I imagine"
