Wednesday 19 December 2012

Next stop.....Kuwait??!!


I have some news. I have been offered a job teaching a P1 class in Kuwait!  It was all quite out of the blue really.  Someone from the school phoned me this evening, after getting my CV from an agency.  The phone call lasted about two minutes and the lady said she'd get someone from head office to call me later this week. I thought she meant to interview me.........but that was the interview! I later got an email from the agency to say I was being offered the job. I was rather surprised, especially as she asked me if I'd taught with Jolly Phonics (the only question) and I said no! Anyway I am supposed to be receiving the official offer next week so I'll keep you posted.


  1. good news ;) keep us posted.... even hotter there!

  2. How exciting!! Bet you can't Ku-wait to move there...;)

  3. Wow! So when will you start? Is is permanent? Xoxo

  4. @Emma haha, good one! :-D Lovely to hear from you Emma, hope you're well. Merry Christmas! x

  5. Hi Rosalind, I don't have many details yet as waiting for an official offer to arrive xx
