Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bonjour la classe!

I'm beginning to feel much more settled in the school now as I know what to expect (I hope I haven't spoken too soon!!)  I am getting used to the blackouts, being eaten alive by mosquitos in my class and the tiny lizards running about! :-D The blackouts are ok on the days I'm not hoping to use the technology but it can get sooo hot!  It's a bit dark too so that limits what we can do.  However it's all part of the experience and I can genuinely say I'm really enjoying it, the kids are really sweet, all the teachers are very friendly and I'm appreciating the unhurried pace.  I've seen all of my 13 classes a few times now so it's getting easier as I get to know the children and what each individual class is like.  I'm teaching classes from the age of 3 to 16/17 so it's great to have that range as I had only had experience with P2-4 in the UK.  Due to a change in my timetable today I had 4th year (16) then Playschool (3) so that was interesting!

I started French with my 3 years olds today which was fun.  I think I will really enjoy teaching French, I've missed it!  It's funny going back to it after all these years, it takes me right back to sunny Toulouse!  Before French I was teaching the letter 'C'.  I asked the class what animal makes a 'meow' sound and one of the little girls shouted 'an elephant!' I think I need to work on my animal sounds :-D

The school is having a 'Flea Market' on Friday where the children can buy and sell goods to other classes and parents so that'll be good to see.  I've also been invited to the High School Hawaiian Dance on the 23rd November at this place which is really close to our house and we didn't know about it so it'll be good to check it out.  The dance is from 9-5pm(!?) but I think I'll only manage a couple of hours! :-D
custard tart for break
After school we had a look in the pet shop in the mall.  It's a proper pet shop with animals in cages in the window, which is actually quite sad :( I was delighted to see two tiny terrapins in the fish pond though.

terrapin-one dove to the bottom of the pond so I could only snap one of them.

1 comment:

  1. they are still feeding you well i can see at the school....;)
    bet the 3 year old's are V cute!
