Saturday 17 November 2012

Flea Market Friday & New Pets!!!

The school had a Flea Market on Friday morning, where the primary school kids and their parents could set up stalls and sell their wares to the high school kids and teachers.  It was really busy and there was a good atmosphere with the little kids using their selling skills to persuade me to buy too many sweet things! :)  The canteen area was decorated for the occasion.
Unusual products for sale!!
First year boys - they were sitting at a stall and they said I could 'buy one take one'! I said I'd just take their pic :-D
Canteen decorated for the flea market

 It was mostly food on sale but there were some goldfish on one stall, in half plastic Pepsi bottles!!  My HT saw me taking pics of them and bought them for me!!! So Laurence picked me up to find that we had six new pets! :-D  Friday afternoon was spent looking for a new home for our six new fishy friends (who Laurence has already named) and we finally found then a big glass fish bowl, which looks cool with the neon, coloured stones and plants.

It took Laurence & I five and a half years and moving to the other side of the world to get pets lol.  This is the lowest maintenance ones we could have hoped for though.  I love watching them swimming about, it's relaxing  I'm watching them as I write this as they are swimming around the top of the bowl eating their flakes :) There's two silver ones, two gold ones, a black one and a tiny black & white striped one (he's called Phil! :-D)

Feeding time! 

They are in there somewhere!
My HT may be seeing these goldfish again when we eventually leave here :-)

terrapins in the pet shop - I want one!!


  1. So what are the other goldfish called??? X

  2. There's Silver, Goldie, Black-Beard, Black-Back, Phil and........Longshanks (because he has a long tail so named after King Edward of England?!)

  3. LOL liking the names of the fish ;) why didn't you name one after me?! only kidding ;)

  4. What about Rozza, Anderz, Matty and Annabanana???

  5. :-D I would have given the baby fish those names.....but there's only one left! I don't hold out much hope for his survival :(
