Saturday 24 November 2012

Gensan View Resort & Farm

We're just back from a swim at Gensan View Resort. It's great getting in the pool after the drive there in the boiling sun! I only realised today that the resort is part of a working farm. They had a stall set up with organic veg and there's field after field of produce. They've also got some
wildlife! When we were there yesterday we saw they had an aviary with some lovely birds, they looked like Love Birds or a type of parrot, and some small rabbits. Then today I noticed outside the resort, a pen with huge rabbits! Yesterday we also saw about five large birds flying overhead which looked like birds of prey. When we were in the pool today we saw two more, at first, that turned out to be eagles! I've never seen eagles in the wild before, they were amazing! Later, all five of them were flying overhead again.


  1. aw they are cute little rabbits :) looks like a nice place ;)

  2. Hope they're better tempered than our rabbit! Lol think they will be though as I'm sure it's the climate that does it to him....enjoying reading about your adventures even if I'm rubbish at commenting. Glad to hear that you are getting on well :-)


  3. Hi Leah :) Nice to hear from you. Hope you're well x
