Thursday 29 November 2012

Fish again ;-)

I've just had an interesting time cleaning out the fishbowl. I clean it out twice a week as there's six of them in there and no water filter. It's not an easy process as the water pressure in our bathroom is non existent after the 'repairs' and comes out of the tap in a trickle. The fish are upstairs so I fill the bowl in the en suite so we don't have to carry it upstairs because it weighs a tonne.

I have to count the fish out into the half coke bottle they arrived in then count them back into the bowl, to make sure none get thrown in the sink :-D I got a bit of a shock when I went to the bottle and counted only five! I then saw a lifeless orange body on the floor!! One of the goldfish had jumped out of the bottle onto the floor. I would have taken a pic but I was desperate to get it back in the water lol. It wasn't dead but I think it's a bit traumatised. It's now swimming around the top of the bowl, round and round, really fast!

Next, I had to get them from the bottle into the bowl with the net and we had another jumper! He landed on the floor too! Laurence and I then counted the fish half a dozen times before we counted six. I kept looking around the floor for an escapee. They are, all six, now safely in their nice clean bowl -phew :-)


  1. that's a nice and colourful wee fish bowl! ;)

  2. yes, it looks pretty but hard to keep clean for long! The modern ones are best with a pump!
