Thursday 24 January 2013


I'm off school today for the prophet's birthday! Next week at school is Book Week so my class are doing the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We have to put on a show next Thursday of two songs with dances related to the story so that's quite nerve racking at this early stage! I'm sure it'll be fine though as we have four practices in the hall before the show and the class are slowly getting the hang of the songs. Thankfully my classroom assistant is very arty so she's already got our displays up!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great book:-) There's a good video on YouTube of Michael Rosen reading the poem- he's very funny! The wall display looks fab!

    Is this Sunday any good for a Skype call. We are just at home. Or what about Friday as Nic is coming for tea? x
